Off the Beaten Path: Hidden Gems of PA Parks

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It’s no secret that the outdoors have long been linked to the state of your mental health. Mostly in good ways, of course. Studies do show that nature can help lower your blood pressure and cortisol levels! But did you know that around 10 million Americans suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD)? SAD is caused by the change in seasons and therefore a lack of sunlight, vitamin D, and serotonin. You know what may help with that? Taking a trip outside. It’s so important to understand how staying active, especially in your local parks and recreation centers, can keep your body, but also your brain, happy. Plus, catching a bit of sunlight doesn’t hurt either.
World Mental Health Day happens this month, and according to a study in 2023, 32.8% of adults in Pennsylvania reported suffering from anxiety or depressive disorders. While parks and recreation within the state is no cure-all, it certainly can help keep your mental health regulated, steady, and even get you feeling a bit happier.
Exercise and Sports

Exercise, whether solo or in sports-related situations, can heavily alter your mental health. For one, you’ll be releasing endorphins all over the place — they’re your natural brain chemicals for overall mood and well-being. Not to mention, your anxiety levels will decrease as your body untenses from stress and your sleep can improve. But according to the facts, PA ranks as 33rd as the most physically inactive state. So what can you, with help from your local parks and recreation, do about it?
Adults should be getting around 100-150 minutes of physical activity each week. That’s about 20 minutes each day. Not so bad right? And Pennsylvania is trying to make the task even simpler!
Take the WalkWorks Initiative for example. It’s on a mission to create more accessible and safe opportunities for physical activities within the state, from biking to walking.
PA parks are known for some pretty impressive trails; why not take a hike to take care of your brain chemistry? Or take a quick trip to your county’s parks and recreation website for some sports teams to join. Pittsburgh’s lists out their extensive options, if you’re nearby. (Yes, you saw that right. They even have a quidditch league.)
Or finally, use our handy Park Finder to search for a park or rec center that may have your desired sport or physical activity available. It’s time to get moving!
Clubs and Classes

In 2022, Fortune ranked Pennsylvania as the sixth loneliest state. Ouch. In a post-pandemic world, loneliness is at an all-time high — with more people than ever living alone and a new homebody lifestyle having formed for many Americans. With a huge selection of clubs and classes, both in the outdoors and inside rec centers, can parks and recreation departments champion the “third places” PA residents need?
Joining in clubs and classes with help from parks and rec centers can get your brain moving and grooving, away from phone screens and scrolling. Learning new things can help improve your mental health. But best of all, classes and clubs help foster community and connections, keeping loneliness (and therefore feelings of depression and isolation) at bay.
Of course, you could nurture two birds with one group (or however the saying goes) and join a hiking club — getting in your daily physical activity while also making new friendships and embracing your current ones. But for those that would like a source of community separate from their workouts, there are tons of other clubs and classes in Pennsylvania’s parks and rec centers.
Washington Crossing Historic Park offers educational lessons throughout the year, from Guided Bird Walks to insightful Book Clubs. Or check out York County’s many park classes and clubs — from Wildlife Art Classes to a Mushroom and Fungi Learning Program. There are endless ways to learn, engage with others, and take care of your mental health.

Finally, we can’t forget how doing good for others and our planet helps us feel good too. Volunteering can activate our mind’s reward center, leading to heightened dopamine and serotonin. If you’re looking to join the thousands of others who take their Earth and the earth into their own hands, there are plenty of volunteer options throughout PA parks. You’ll not only be getting in some of that physical activity and gaining health-happy connections with others, but you’ll also be doing something good in the process. It’s a win-win for you and the outdoors!

Park cleanups and tree and flower planting can be a great source of support in making parks even more attractive for spending time. Nay Aug Park is hosting their own park cleanup this month, among others. You can even plan your own event for your local park with help from Pick Up PA — get the rush of volunteering and the empowerment of leading the pack.
The DCNR offers a whole lot of resources for other ways to volunteer in your neighborhood’s natural habitats.
Mental Health and PA Parks and Rec

There are plenty of ways you can take initiative within your local park and recreation center to care for your mental health. But you’re not alone. PA hosts an abundance of mental-health-based events, initiatives, and activities built to utilize the healing and calming power of nature.

Walk With a Doc happens at least once a month, in which a doctor will present a health topic and then lead a community walk. Plus, this past summer, the Shapiro Administration introduced “Recovery in Nature,” an initiative throughout some PA state parks that combines the power of trails and hikes with the power of getting the help you need, identifying recovery hubs located close to the trails.
PA Parks and Recreation, on top of being a source of wonderful natural beauty, are a source of help and support. There’s no one right way to enjoy and harness the power of your parks for your mental health, but there’s certainly plenty of options.
So next time you’re feeling down, or even feeling pretty good, take a trip to your nearby park. We bet you’ll come back feeling even better.